Supplies Needed: 5 pieces of white paper Glue Stapler Crayons Family Photos
#1: Have an adult staple the 5 pieces of white paper together #2: Have an adult write “Family Photo Book” on the front page of the construction paper #3: Have the toddler glue the family photos on each page of the construction paper #4: Have the toddler decorate around the family photos they glued into the Family Photo Book.
Supplies Needed: Empty Cereal Box Dried Pasta Tape
#1:Have your toddler place about 1 cup of dried pasta into an empty cereal box. The small cereal boxes sometimes work best because they are smaller and fit in the toddler’s hands easier. #2: Have an adult tape the top of the box closed #3: The toddler can decorate the box with paint, markers or crayons or not decorate it. #4: Put some music on and dance and shake your toddler’s new musical instrument!
Supplies Needed: Pom Pom Balls Paint Paper Plate Plastic Cup (must have a white interior) Rubber Band Plastic Wrap
#1: Have an adult place a little paint on a paper plate #2: Have toddler dip the pom pom balls into the paint and then drop them into the plastic cup #3: Have an adult place the plastic wrap over the top of the cup #4: Secure the plastic wrap with a rubber band. #5: Have the toddler shake the cup. #6: Take off the plastic wrap and set aside to dry