Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Handprint Menorah

Supplies Needed:
Construction Paper

#1: Paint the palms of your hands one color. Let’s say yellow. Your palms will be the Menorah.
#2: Paint your fingers, excluding your thumb another color. Let’s say white. Your fingers will be the candles ontop of the Menorah.
#3: Place your hands side by side on the construction paper. Pat your hands down to get all the paint off.
#4: Paint your thumb the same color you used for your fingers (we used white). 
#5: Then make thumb prints in the center of your two handprints. This will be used for the Shamash candle so it should be taller than your other finger candles
#6: Use the paint or crayons to draw flames on your candles.


 Send us a comment or a picture so we can see how your handprint Menorah turned out!


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