Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Number Caterpillar Preschool Craft

Supplies Needed:

Egg Carton

Pom Pom
Pipe Cleaner
Googly Eyes
Acrylic Paint or Permanent Markers

#1: Wash and dry the egg carton if styrofoam
#2: Separate the top of the egg carton from the bottom.
#3: From one side of the carton cut the first 6 cup strip. Have an adult do the cutting
#4: One the first egg holder glue the googly eyes in the center. This will be the caterpillar’s head
#5: Glue a small red pom pom under the googly eyes. This will be the caterpillars nose
#6:  Have an adult cut the pipe cleaner in half
#7: Take the pipe cleaners and push them into the top of the egg holder. This will be the caterpillar’s antennas.
#8: Use some paint to make a mouth for the caterpillar
#9: On the side of the  egg  carton write the numbers 1-5.
#10: Set aside and allow to dry

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