Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

4th of July Craft Project

Supplies Needed:
Printable Star:

star.pdf (29.09 kb)

Old Toothbrush
Paint (red, white, and blue)
Paper Plate
Newspaper or Plastic

#1: Print out the printable star
#2: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic
#3: Place a few small piles of paint on the paper plate
#4: Take the old toothbrush and dip it into one color of paint
#5: Dab it a few times on the newspaper to get off some of the paint
#6: Looking at the picture of the printable star rub your finger over the toothbrush. Paint will splatter onto the star as you rub your finger across the toothbrush.
#7: Rinse and dry your toothbrush before dipping it into your next color
#8: Continue coloring your star until you feel it is beautiful. Then set aside and allow to dry
#9: Once the star is dry. Take your scissors and cut along the outline of the star. Now you are ready to display your star around the house!

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