Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

How to Build a Volcano

Volcano Supplies:

Large Tray (cookie sheet to catch lava)

2 -Paper Cups

Tin Foil



Rolling Pin (or use your hands to roll out the play dough)

Lava Supplies:

Measuring Cups and Spoons

3 tsps baking soda

½ to 1 cup white vinegar

Food coloring


#1: Place the paper cup right side up in the center of your tray and begin wrapping the tin foil around the brim of the cup. You may need a few pieces of tin foil to create your mountain shape.

#2: Roll your playdough out with your rolling pin or hand and place the flattened playdough over the tin foil and rim of the cup. You may need to roll out a few sections of playdough in order to create your mountain shape.

#3: Allow your kids to decorate the volcano with playdough trees and playdough animals.

#4: Create your lava mixture by placing 3 tsps baking soda inside the cup inside the volcano. In the other paper cup combine ½ to 1 cup white vinegar and a few drops of food coloring. Now pour the vinegar food coloring mixture onto the baking soda inside the volcano cup. And watch the eruption! This is a simple acid-base reaction.


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