Supplies Needed:
Different Objects
Hula Hoop
Printable Score Sheet: Addition Score Sheet.pdf (102.41 kb)
Pencil or Pen
#1: Assign each object a different number value and write on a piece of paper
Tennis Balls -5 points
Frisbee- 3 points
Basketball -10 points
Beanbag – 1 point
#2: Place items in the center of the room
#3: Give each player a hula hoop
#4: When you say go the players must run or walk to the center and grab out the items totaling a certain number of points. Then bring them back and place them in their hula hoop. Example: 25 points= 2 basketballs and a tennis ball.
#5: Players get points for each correct answer. Keep track of them on the printable score sheet.
*You can do addition and subtraction problems for an added challenge!