Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Brown Bag Christmas Reindeer Kids Craft

Supplies Needed
Brown Paper Bag
Brown Construction Paper
Pipe Cleaners
Googly Eyes
Pom Poms (red)

#1: Lay your paper bag out flat
#2:Draw and cut out 2 oval shapes on the brown construction paper. This will be the reindeers ears.
#3: Bend, twist and cut little pieces of pipe cleaner to make 2 antlers for the reindeer
#4: Glue the 2 antler pipe cleaners to the top portion of the paper bag
#5: Glue the two ears you made out of construction paper to the bag
#6: Glue the googly eyes on the paper bag
#7: Glue the red Pom Pom on the paper bag as the reindeers nose
#8: Take one more pipe cleaner and bend it to look like a smile and glue it on the paper bag.


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