Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Earth Day Tablecloth Craft

Supplies Needed:
Old tablecloth or large sheet
Brown and Green Paint
Paint Brush

#1:Create a nice working enviorment outside for this Earth Day Craft
#2:Lay out the table cloth and paint.
#3:In the center of the tablecloth write the words, “Happy Earth Day”
#4:Paint your child’s arm brown (up to the elbow and excluding the hand). Then paint the hand green
#5:Press down your child’s hand and arm on the tablecloth. Make sure to press each section of the child’s arm so that the paint transfers to the cloth.  Try to make enough trees to go around the perimeter of tablecloth.
#6:Allow to dry and then use the tablecloth to enjoy a nice picnic!


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