Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Family Time Capsule

Plastic Continer used for baby wipes

Objects from to remind you of that year

Permanent Markers or Paint


#1: Wash and dry the plastic wipe container

#2: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic

#3: Decorate the outside of your plastic wipe container. Make sure to write the date some place on the container

#4: Inside the plastic wipe container place items from the past year.

Examples: favorite small toy, photos, messages to yourself in the future, list of fun things you did that year, newspaper clips, small craft projects and other favorite items from the year

#5: Place in a dry, cool place and store it there.

#6: Each year create a new time capsule and when your child gets older open them and return to memory lane!


What items did you place in your family time capsule? Where did you bury or place it? Leave us a comment and let us know

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