Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Hanukkah Stockings

Supplies Needed:
Construction Paper
Hanukkah Stocking Template: Hanukkah Stocking.pdf (40.70 kb)

Hole Punch
Markers or Crayons

#1: Print out the Hanukkah Stocking Template
#2: Cut out the template then place in on a sheet of construction paper
#3: Trace the stocking template on two sheets of construction paper
#4: Cut out the two stocking from the construction paper
#5: Place the two stockings you cut out together and make holes with your hole punch every 1” around the perimeter of the stocking
#6: Take your string and place it in the first hole on the right side of your stocking. Tie a knot to hold it in place.
#7: Now weave your string back and forth through each hole until you are at the last hole. 
#8: On the last hole place a knot
#9: Take another small piece of string and make a hoop. This will be a place to hang your stocking from.
#10: Decorate your stocking with fun Hanukkah items. Such as: Star of David, Dreidel, Menorah

Send Kids Craft Zone a picture of your Hanukkah Stocking!



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