Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Kids Summer Vacation Mobile Craft

Supplies Needed:
String or Yarn
Popsicle Sticks-3
Paper Clip-1
Hole Punch
#1: Create 3 drawings from your summer vacation. Like a pail and shovel for a beach day, picnic basket for a day at the park, suitcase for a trip you took
#2: On the back of each drawing write the date you went to that spot. 
#3: Place a hole in the top portion of the drawings you created using the hole punch. This will be where the drawings will hang from the mobile
#4: Color your popsicle sticks with markers or crayons. Color both sides. You may want to use glitter to make your popsicle sticks glittery. Allow to dry.
#5: Cut 3 pieces of sting about 3 inches long
#6: Attach the 3 inch strings to the drawings. By placing the string through the hole you punched.  Leave the one end untied. This will be how you hang your drawings to your popsicle stick.
#7: Attach string and drawings to each popsicle stick. Creating a mobile

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