Supplies Needed:
Printable Toss Diagram: Math Toss Maddness Game.pdf (29.25 kb) Printable Score Sheet:Score Sheet.pdf (100.78 kb)
Sidewalk Chalk (Homemade Sidewalk Chalk) Small Rocks Pencil or Pen
#1: Print out the printable score sheet and printable diagram #2: On the sidewalk or driveway draw the diagram #3: Stand at least 4 feet (use your own feet to measure distance)back from the edge of the outer square #4: Set the number of points you are going to play to before the game starts so you know who wins. Keep track of the score on the printable score sheet.
*Remember if a rock lands in the outer square you must subtract 5 points!
*Try painting the rocks in each teams color to keep track of each player’s rocks
*Make sure nobody is in your way when you are throwing your rock
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