Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Memorial Day Dog Tag

Supplies Needed:
Grey Construction Paper
Hold Punch
Markers or Crayons

#1: Cut a small rectangle out of a sheet of grey construction paper. This will be the metal portion of the dog tag
#2: Punch a hole with the hole punch on the top center of the grey construction paper.
#3: Thread the yarn through the hole at the top of the dog tag. Then knot the two ends together to form a loop. Make sure the loop is big enough to fit around your child’s head.
#4: Decorate your dog tag using markers or crayons.
             Things to write: 
             “Memorial Day 2009”
            “We remember”
            “In remembrance of our troops”
            “I love the USA”

What did you write on your dog tag? Send us a picture or write us a comment and we will post it on Kids Craft Zone!


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