Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

My Colorful ABC Book

Supplies Needed:

Printable Title Page: My Colorful ABC Book.pdf (26.68 kb)

26 sheets of white paper

Pen or Pencil


Markers or Crayons  

#1: Print out the My Colorful ABC Book Title Page

#2: Place the title page on top of 26 pages of white paper. Place a row of staples on the left hand side of all the sheets of paper, to create a book.

#3: Write your name and draw a picture on the printable Title Page.

#4: On each page write a letter of the alphabet and then write a word to go with that letter

                A: Ant Eater

                B: Bear

                C: Chicken

                D: Dog

#5: Create a drawing for each page of your book.

*For an added challenge try picking a word out of a dictionary and drawing a picture to match your new word


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