Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Poppy Flower Activity

Supplies Needed:
Printable Heart Template:
heart.pdf (15.55 kb)

Printable Circle Template:Circle Template.pdf (13.73 kb)

Markers or Crayons
Green and Red Construction Paper
Hole Punch
Yarn or String

#1: Print out the printable heart and circle
#2: Use scissors to cut out printable heart and circle. This will be your template.
#3: Trace the printable heart four times on a sheet of red construction paper.
#4: Trace the printable circle on a sheet of green construction paper
#5:Use scissors to cut out the hearts and circle you traced on the construction paper
#6: Place the four hearts in a flower pattern with the points pointed together. One heart on top, one  heart on the right, one heart on the bottom and one heart on the left.
#7: Glue the tips of the hearts together
#8: Glue the circle on top of the points of all four hearts.
#9: Use your hole punch to place a hole on the top leaf of the flower
#10: Thread string through the hole and tie a knot making a loop.
#11: Your Poppy flower is now ready to be hung up as a Memorial Day decoration!

Send us a picture of your Poppy Flower and we will post it on Kids Craft Zone for everyone to see!


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