Supplies Needed: Pipe Cleaners- 6 total Googly Eyes Green Paint Paint Brush Egg Carton (cleaned) Markers or Crayons Scissors Glue
#1: Take a egg carton and cut three egg holders in a row out. These will be the body of your grasshopper #2: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic #3: Paint your egg carton green using a paint brush. #4: Set aside and allow to dry. #5: Turn the egg carton over so the egg holder part is face down. #6: Glue your googly eyes on the front of the egg carton #7: Draw a mouth and nose for your grasshopper under your eyes #8: Bend a pipe cleaner in half #9: Place the center of the bent pipe cleaner into the egg carton above the googly eyes. These will be the grasshoppers antennas #10: Take 2 pipe cleaners and bend and twist them to make two loops. These will be the grasshoppers wings #11: Insert the wings into the egg carton in the 2nd egg holder. These will be the grasshoppers wings #12: Take 2 pipe cleaners and place them into the egg carton on either side. These will be the grasshoppers feet.