Supplies Needed: White Cotton Shirt Rubber Bands Fabric Dye Bucket Permanent Markers or Fabric Paint
#1: Take your white cotton shirt and twist a little section of the shirt then secure with a rubber band. Make sure the rubber band is tight so the dye does not leak through #2: Continue this all over the shirt #3: Once all the shirt is twisted dip the end sections into the fabric dye. I like to use different colors of fabric die to create a more unique pattern #4: Allow the shirt to dry #5: Remove all the rubber bands #6: Place a piece of cardboard in between the shirt so the marker or fabric paint does not leak through when you decorate your shirt #7: Decorate your shirt. Make sure to put the New Year’s date you are celebrating.
What designs did you make on your tie dye shirt? Any helpful hints you discovered while tie dying? Send us a comment and let us know!