Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Kids Birthday Notebook Idea

   The Kids Birthday Notebook Idea is a great way to keep track of your child's birthday and a great memory maker.

Get a spiral notebook and each birthday have the child put their handprint or footprint on the page. Then do a little interview with your child and write down their answers. Ask them questions about their favorite gift, flavor of the birthday cake, why they are excited to be older. This will defiantly be one of those items you will treasure forever.


Toddler Musical Instrument Craft

   The Toddler Musical Instrument Craft is a easy, free kids craft that teaches your toddler about music.

Supplies Needed:
Empty Cereal Box
Dried Pasta

#1:Have your toddler place about 1 cup of dried pasta into an empty cereal box. The small cereal boxes sometimes work best because they are smaller and fit in the toddler’s hands easier.
#2: Have an adult tape the top of the box closed
#3: The toddler can decorate the box with paint, markers or crayons or not decorate it.
#4: Put some music on and dance and shake your toddler’s new musical instrument!

Kids Free Treasure Craft Idea

   The Kids Free Treasure Craft Idea is a great game to play indoors or out. This fun and easy to make kids craft will be a great time.

Create a day of magical treasure and pirates. 

For example:

  • Have the kids make an eye patch with string and paper.
  •  Have kids make a treasure chest out of a shoe box
  •  Make a real treasure map using a brown paper bag
  •  Make pasta jewelry and coins to put inside treasure chest

Kids Fall Bookmark

   The Kids Fall Bookmark is a free easy to make fall kids craft by Kids Craft Zone.

Supplies Needed:
Construction Paper
Hole Punch
Markers or Crayons

#1: Cut out a 2” wide piece of construction paper
#2: Have the child decorate this construction paper using glitter, markers and crayons. Encourage them to draw fall icons like leaves, scarecrows, pumpkins, etc.

#3: Use the hole punch to punch a hole in the top of the leaf
#4: Insert the ribbon in the hole you punched and tie the ribbon to create a loop. Your fall bookmark is now ready for any book.

Kids Fall Handprint Wreath

   The Kids Fall Handprint Wreath is a great keepsake of your childs handprint. This is the perfect free kids fall craft.

Supplies Needed:
Paint Brush

#1: Trace around your hand on a sheet of paper (Can also trace the hands of your family members)
#2: Protect your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic sheet
#3: Paint each hand a different color. Use fall colors like red, yellow, green,orange
#4: Cut each hand print out
#5: Glue the fingertips to the back end of the hand in an circle like pattern to create a circular wreath