Supplies Needed: 9-Plastic Cups (plastic bowls or containers) Ball (soccer ball, basketball, nerf ball, etc.)
#1: Setup the plastic cups in a “v” shape as seen in a bowling alley #2: Use the ball to knock down the cups. Each player gets two turns to roll the ball and knock down as many pins as possible.
Supplies Needed:
Bottle Caps (something easy to throw like checkers pieces, penny, pen caps, ect.)
Printable score sheet: Score Sheet.pdf (100.78 kb)
#1: Get up to 5 to 8 pieces of paper.
#2: Write numbers on the paper. These are going to be your points in the game.
* Make the game a little harder by cutting the largest number into a smaller square. Which will make it harder to hit!
#3: Print out score sheet
#4: Place the numbered sheets of paper on the floor(in a zig zag pattern. The sheets of paper should have the lowest number closest and the largest number furthest .)
#5:Toss the first object onto a paper and recorded the number.
#6: Take turns doing this for ten rounds.
20 Index Cards
Markers or Crayons
#1: Write the numbers and spelling of the words 1-10 on the index card. You should do 2 of the same number.
#2: Draw circles or pictures on the index cards representing the number shown
*Mix up the cards and try to put pairs together
*Play the memory game with the index cards by turning them all over and taking turns flipping cards over until you find a match!
Stuffed Animals
Shoe Boxes or other items to use as cages
#1: Have your child bring out all their stuff animals.
#2: Place shoe boxes and other cage items around the room. For those animals that need to be caged!
#2: Using the paper make admission tickets and animal treats. Use a plastic bowl and color the bottom blue for water for the animals.
Paper (for snow balls)
Blankets & Pillows (for 2 forts)
#1: Using the blankets and pillows setup two snow forts. Place the two forts in the same room and pretty close to each other
#2: Crumble up the paper until it is a small ball (can use any old newspaper or white tissue paper, or computer paper)
#3: Place an even number of snow balls (crumbled paper) into each basket
#4: Begin your snow fight battle once both sides are in place!
*Other snow ball idea: Use your snowballs to hit targets. Each target is worth a certain amount of points.
What game did you play with your snowballs? Leave us a comment and let us know!