Supplies Needed: Paint Plastic Cup Scissors Tissue Paper Glue Construction Paper Pipe Cleaner
#1: Have an adult cut a plastic cup about 1” from the bottom. This will be the birthday cake base #2: Wrap the bottom of the plastic cup in construction paper #3: Take tissue paper and roll it into a ball. This will be the icing on the cake #4: Take the tissue ball and insert it into the cup. #5: Take a pipe cleaner and insert it into the center of the tissue paper ball. This is your candle. #6: Cut little slivers of construction paper #7: Glue these slivers to the top of tissue ball they are the sprinkles on the cake. You can also sprinkle glitter to add a little more flare.
Supplies Needed: Candy Birthday Goody Bag (to collect items found) Kids Birthday Goody Bag Supplies
#1: Create an Easter Egg Hunt for your child’s birthday party. Place candy and any birthday toys outside for the children to find. #2: Give each child a goody bag to collect what they find.
#3: Send children outside to look for their treasures!
** Have the children hide the gifts they bring your child when they arrive for the birthday party as another fun game.
Supplies Needed: Birthday Party Hat Scissors Gum Balls
#1: Cut a hole in the side of the Birthday Party Hat #2: Place the party hat on the child’s head #3: Place a gum ball inside the hole of the party hat #4: The child needs to shake their head back and forth to get the gum ball out of the party hat hole. They are not allowed to use their hands except to hold the party hat on their head if they are having trouble. #5: The first child to get the gum ball out of their party hat wins!
Printable Face.pdf (19.37 kb)
Craft Items: uncooked pasta , googly eyes, birthday candles (unlit), pipe cleaners, etc
#1: Create a Birthday Banner using the poster board, crayons and markers. Write Happy Birthday (child’s name) #2: Print out enough printable faces as the number of children attending the party #3: Setup a craft station at a table that includes, crayons, markers, glue and craft items. #4: Each child must create the birthday child’s face on the printable face and using the craft items provided. Example: macaroni for hair, birthday candle for nose, pasta for mouth, googly eyes #5: Have the child sign their drawing #6: Once the glue is dried the child must tape their completed face to the Happy Birthday banner.