Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Kids Letter and Numbers Craft Idea

   Kids Letter and Numbers Craft Idea is a great kids craft idea for learning how to write their names, letters, and numbers.

Whenever a child is learning letters, numbers make the activity hands on by adding glitter or sand to the letter with glue so they can not only see the letter but also touch it. Great kids craft idea for learning how to write their names, letters, and numbers.

Kids Holiday Letter Craft Idea

   Kids Holiday Letter Craft Idea is perfect for any holiday and easy to make for a child of any age.

It's always fun to see what a child writes to Santa. So have them do this for all the holidays (Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc.) to see what they want and to get them imagining. If the child can’t write have them take a magazine and cut out pictures of items they want or things they want to tell their special holiday person.

Kids Personal Interview Craft Idea

   Kids Personal Interview Craft Idea is a great way for children to get to know each other and a great keepsake.

Have children do an interview with each other then put it in a sealed envelope. Child could open it in a few years or if in school at the end of the school year. If person can’t write they can draw pictures of the answers. Ask questions like favorite color, animal, person, etc.

Kids Travel Notebook Idea

   Have your child keep track of their vacation or camp with a Free Kids Travel Notebook from Kids Craft Zone.

Get a spiral Notebook and have your child draw a picture of their vacation. Then interview your child about their trip. Ask them questions like, their favorite part of the trip, who went on the trip with them, date of the trip, etc. Have them cut out their favorite picture from the trip and include it on the page.

Kids Birthday Notebook Idea

   The Kids Birthday Notebook Idea is a great way to keep track of your child's birthday and a great memory maker.

Get a spiral notebook and each birthday have the child put their handprint or footprint on the page. Then do a little interview with your child and write down their answers. Ask them questions about their favorite gift, flavor of the birthday cake, why they are excited to be older. This will defiantly be one of those items you will treasure forever.