Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Homemade Ice Cream

   Do you love ice cream? Now you can make homemade ice cream in your home in about 10 minutes. The hard part is deciding which topping to place on your ice cream

Supplies Needed:

½ cup milk

½ teaspoon Vanilla

1 tablespoon sugar

4 cups crushed ice

4 tablespoons salt

2 quart size zip lock bags

1 gallon size zip lock freezer bag



#1: Mix the milk, vanilla, and sugar in a quart size bag. Remove as much air from the bag and seal the bag.

#2: Place the bag with the milk mixture into a quart size bag. Remove as much air from this bag and seal

#3: Put these two bags into the gallon size bag and fill the bag with ice.

#4: Sprinkle the salt on top of the ice.

#5: Remove as much as and seal this bag

#6: Using a towel or gloves shake and roll the bag around. Making sure the ice surrounds the milk mixture. Do this for about 5-10 minutes.

#7: Take the smaller bags out of the ice. Pour the ice cream into a bowl and top with your favorite treats!

Edible Necklace

   Use your favorite food to create a necklace

Supplies Needed:

Yarn or String

Favorite Food: cheerios, dried fruit, pretzels, fruit loops


#1: Use your favorite food and string it onto your yarn

#2: Tie a knot and place it around your neck to wear or eat!

Dying Pasta with Food Coloring

   Use you dyed pasta to make a necklace or bracelet

Supplies Needed:

Pasta in different shapes and sizes

Food Coloring

Rubbing Alcohol

Small Bowls


Paper Plates


#1: Pour about ½ cup of rubbing alcohol in each bowl

#2: Add about 10 drops of food coloring to each bowl

#3: Place pasta in bowls and stir with a spoon

#4: Remove pasta from bowls and let dry on paper plates

#5: Once dry your free to create pasta art!

*Try making a pasta necklace and bracelet, glue them to paper for works of art, the possibilities are endless

Ants on a Log

   Create a story about your edible art

Supplies Needed:

Celery Sticks


Peanut Butter


#1: Wash your celery sticks.

#2: Place peanut butter along the inner grove of the celery stick

#3: Place little rasins (to look like ants) all along the top of the celery and peanut butter

#4: Try creating a story about how your ants got on the log and where the log is taking them!

Jello Finger Painting

   Get your hands dirty with edible jellow finger paints

Supplies Needed:

Wax Paper or tray (to protect surface and easy cleanup)

Measuring Cups

1 Package of Jello

2 Tbsp Hot Water

Tin foil (optional)


#1: Make a painting spot by placing the wax paper on a solid surface

#2: Mix together jello and water being careful not to overmix. Let cool about 5 minutes. For an neat effect try painting on tin foil.