Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Hanukkah Holiday Card

Supplies Needed:
Construction Paper
Markers or Crayons
Printable Star of David :
Star of David.pdf (37.57 kb)

#1: Fold a piece of construction paper in half.
#2: Print out the printable Star of David
#3: Color the Star of David
#4: Cut out the Star of David
#5: Glue the Star of David to the front of your Hanukkah Holiday Card
#6: Decorate the front of the card with crayons or markers
#7: On the inside of the card write the following message:

“Two Triangles…Always striving upward toward heaven…Always striving downward toward the real world…Always inseparable like the Jewish people.”
#8: Decorate the inside of your card using crayons or markers


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