Free Kids Crafts Printable Kids Crafts Bible Crafts for Kids

Penguin Winter Kids Craft

Supplies Needed:
Clay Pot
Paint-White and Black
Paint Brush
Googly Eyes
Construction Paper
Pomp Poms

#1: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic
#2: Draw a round circle on the front of the clay pot
#3: Paint inside the circle you just drew white. Set aside and allow to dry
#4: Paint the rest of the clay pot black. Set aside and allow to dry
#5: Glue your Googly eyes on the center of the white circle. These are your penguins’ eyes
#6: Draw a triangle on a piece of construction paper. This will be the penguin’s beak.
#7: Cut out the triangle you drew on the construction paper
#8: Glue the triangle you just cut out under the googly eyes. This is the penguin’s beak.
#9: Wrap the ribbon around the bottom portion of the clay pot. This will be the penguin’s scarf.
#10: On either side of the clay pot place two pom poms. These are the penguins’ ear muffs.


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