Supplies Needed: 7- Popsicle Sticks Paint (black and white) Googly Eyes Glue Construction Paper (orange) Paper Plate Paint Brushes Pipe Cleaner
#1: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic wrap #2: Place 6 popsicle sticks side by side on the table #3: Place the 7th popsicle stick on top of the 6 popsicle sticks. Want to glue this 7th popsicle stick about 1 inch from the top of the 6 popsicle sticks #4: Place a few drops of black and white paint on the paper plate #5: Paint the popsicle sticks below the 7th popsicle stick white. This is the snowman’s face #6: Paint the popsicle sticks above the 7th popsicle stick black and also paint the 7th popsicle stick black. This is the snowman’s hat. #7: Set aside and allow to dry #8: Cut out a small orange triangle. This will be the snowman’s carrot nose #9: Glue the googly eyes and nose on the snowman’s face #10: Bend your pipe cleaner to look like a smile and glue it to the snowman’s face.