Supplies Needed:
Egg Carton Straw Glue Scissors Pom Pom Pipe Cleaner Googly Eyes Acrylic Paint or Permanent Markers
#1: Wash and dry the egg carton if styrofoam #2: Separate the top of the egg carton from the bottom. #3: From one side of the carton cut the first 6 cup strip. Have an adult do the cutting #4: One the first egg holder glue the googly eyes in the center. This will be the caterpillar’s head #5: Glue a small red pom pom under the googly eyes. This will be the caterpillars nose #6: Have an adult cut the pipe cleaner in half #7: Take the pipe cleaners and push them into the top of the egg holder. This will be the caterpillar’s antennas. #8: Use some paint to make a mouth for the caterpillar #9: On the side of the egg carton write the numbers 1-5. #10: Set aside and allow to dry
Sponges Pain Glitter/Sand Construction Paper Paper Plate Scissors Marker
#1: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic #2: Have an adult trace a different shapes on a sponge. Do this for circles, squares, triangles on different sponges #3: Have an adult use scissors to cut out the sponge shapes #4: Pour a little paint on paper plate #5: Dip the sponge shape in the paint #6: Then have the child press the sponge shape down on a piece of paper #7: Repeat this for all the shape sponges you created. #8: Pour glitter or sand on each painted shape #9: Set aside and allow to dry #10: Once the paper is dry have the child rub their finger over the shape so they can feel the shape
Supplies Needed: Styrofoam Ball Black Pom Poms Black Pipe Cleaners Scissors Glue Googly Eyes Red and Black Paint Paper Plate Paint Brush
#1: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic #2: Pour some red paint on the paper plate #3: Have the child paint the Styrofoam ball red #4: Set aside the Styrofoam ball to dry #5: Have an adult cut the pipe cleaners in half #6: Take the black Pom Pom and glue two googly eyes on it. #7: Take the dry Styrofoam Ball and glue the black Pom Pom onto the side of the Styrofoam ball. This is the Lady Bugs head. #8: Take the pipe cleaners and push them into the Styrofoam ball on the bottom. This will be the lady bugs feet. She will need 6 of them! #9: Pour a little black paint on the paper plate #10: Use a paint brush to make a few black dots on the back of the lady bug.
#1: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic #2: Have an adult trace a bubble number on the sponge. Do this for numbers 1-5 on different sponges #3: Have an adult use scissors to cut out the sponge numbers #4: Pour a little paint on paper plate #5: Dip the sponge number in the paint #6: Then have the child press the sponge number down on a piece of paper #7: Repeat this for all the number sponges you created. #8: Pour glitter or sand on each painted number. #9: Set aside and allow to dry #10: Once the paper is dry have the child rub their finger over the number so they can feel the shape of the number they created.
Supplies Needed: Styrofoam Ball Small Red Pom Pom Pipe Cleaner Scissors Glue Googly Eyes Paint Paper Plate Paint Brush Construction Paper
#1: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic #2: Pour some paint on the paper plate #3: Have the child paint the Styrofoam ball their favorite color #4: Set aside the Styrofoam ball to dry #5: Have an adult cut the pipe cleaner in half #6: Take the construction paper and cut out two wings for your butterfly. #7: Take the dry Styrofoam Ball and glue two googly eyes in the center of the stryofaom ball. These are the butterfly’s eyes #8: Take the Styrofoam Ball and glue the red Pom Pom onto the side of the Styrofoam ball. This is the butterfly’s nose. #9: Take the pipe cleaners and push them into the top of the Styrofoam ball. This will be the butterfly’s antennas. #9: Glue the two wings to the back of the Styrofoam ball. These are the butterfly’s wings. #10: Use a paint brush to make a mouth on the butterfly.