Supplies Needed: Bucket Pipe Cleaners Construction Paper Tape Markers or Crayons
#1: Take a piece of construction paper and write the color of it using a marker or a crayon. Need to do this for all the colors, purple, green, blue, red, orange, yellow, etc. #2: Tape the colored construction paper to individual buckets #3: Take a lot of different color pipe cleaners and hand them to the child #4: The child is to put the colored pipe cleaners in the appropriate bucket.
Supplies Needed: Two Paper Plates Scissors Crayons or Markers Ruler Pipe Cleaner Hole Punch
#1: Take both of the paper plates and create lines that divide the paper plate up into 5 equal parts. Hint: Sort of like cutting a pizza. #2: On one of the paper plates write the numbers 1-5 in each of the divided sections. #3: Draw circles to correlate with the number that you wrote on the plate. Example: the number 5 gets 5 circles #4: On the second paper plate cut out one of the triangle shapes you traced earlier. Leave the rim of the paper plate in tact. #5: Put the two paper plates together and use the hole punch to create a hole in the center of each plate so they align. #6: Push the pipe cleaner through the center of the hole and knot the end so the paper plates are now bound together. #7: Rotate the plate around to reveal different numbers and circles.
Supplies Needed: Brown Paint Red Paint Paper Plate Construction Paper Paint Brush Apple
#1: Prepare your work environment by laying down newspaper or plastic #2: Pour some brown paint on the paper plate #3: Use the paint brush to paint the child’s arm (up to their elbow) and their fingers brown. This will be the apple trees trunk and branches #4: Press the child’s arm and fingers down on the construction paper. Make sure to press firmly so all the paint transfers. #5: Set the paper and allow to dry #6: Have an adult cut an apple in half #7: Pour some red paint on a paper plate #8: Dip the apple slice into the red paint #9: Place the apple slice on the construction paper. Place the apple in areas where the child’s fingers were to create apples on the apple tree.
Supplies Needed: 3 empty tissue boxes Construction Paper: Grey, Green, Red, Yellow Scissors Glue Markers or Crayons Circle Template : Circle Template.png (17.94 kb)
#1: Print out the circle template #2: Trace the circle template on the red, green and yellow construction paper #3: Have an adult cut out the circle templates you traced. #4: On each of the colors write what color it is. Example: Red Circle Write “Red” could also write “Stop”. Do this for all the color circles you cut out. #5: Cover the entire tissue box with the grey construction paper. Hint: Wrap it like a present. Do this for all 3 boxes #6: Glue the circles on the front of each tissue box. #7: Stack the three tissue boxes in the following order Red, Yellow, Green to create a stop light
Supplies Needed: Construction Paper – yellow, blue, green, white, purple, etc Scissors Glue Marker or Crayon Circle Template Small Pom Pom Googly Eyes Pipe Cleaners
#1: Print out the circle template #2: Trace the circle template on a variety of construction paper colors #3: Have an adult cut out the circle templates you traced. #4: On each of the colors write what color it is. Example: Blue Circle Write “Blue”. Do this for all the colors expect white #5: On the white circle glue the googly eyes in the center. #6: Glue a small pom pom under the googly eyes. This will be the caterpillar’s nose #7: Have an adult cut the pipe cleaner in half #8: Take the pipe cleaners glue them to the top of the white circle. This will be the caterpillar’s antennas. #9: Use markers or crayons to make a mouth for the caterpillar #10: Have the child draw items that are the color of the circle in the center of each circle. An example would be a frog on the green circle.